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Significant increase in training for Health Care professionals likely to be called to assist children with trachestomy tube difficulties


“Significant increase in training for medical, paramedical, nursing and carers likely to be called to assist a special needs child with a trachestomy tube” - Survival-linX director April 2004

Survival-linX specialist training for medical, paramedical, nursing and carers likely to be called to assist a special needs child with trachestomy tube difficulty has significantly increased in the past 12 months.

A growing number of children with trachestomy tubes +/- home ventilation are now cared for in the child’s home which significantly improves their quality of life.   While treatment of the trachestomy tube normally requires simple techniques to establish a patient airway occasionally lifesaving skills are required.

Survival-linX has the only recognised trainers for the fastest growing life support course, Paediatric Education for Prehospital Professional (PEPP) which in addition to other life saving skills provides candidates with clinical skills to manage the patient with a tracheostomy tube.  Furthermore Survival-linX is the only independent provider in the region of a short, practical-based course in emergency tracheostomy tube management for health care professionals and carers.    With a large emphasis on 'hands-on' candidate participation content is covered by a lecture, demonstrations, skill stations again the focus on realistic scenario-based education giving you the confidence and basic skills required to offer skills to save the child’s life.

We currently provide training in this specialised area for a number of NHS Trusts, the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS), Barnardos and other agencies who provide care for these children.


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